Saturday, October 11, 2014

Box of Valves

Last night I was looking for something on ebay when I came across something quite strange...a box of valves!

When I was working at Telefusion many years ago we had a central store and a valve store. They supplied all the sevice departments with components and valves (and semiconductors) In the early 80's they decided to get rid of some of the valves that were no longer required, so I got 4 or 5 boxes of valves. I put them in my loft and used some for projects, but others never got used. I remember that I sold a couple of boxes of them to someone locally. I also sold a couple more to a guy in Blackburn that ran a junk shop.

When I came across this last night I recognised that box of valves...i'm sure that they were once mine many years ago. Also, the seller is in BOLTON!  They MUST have been my old valves...strange!

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