Saturday, April 05, 2014


This photo appeared on one of the Bygone Bolton groups on Facebook. Taken at Bury Transport Museum. It brought back memories from the 1970's of the Yelloway coaches that you booked at Hargreaves on Moor Lane Bus Station.
I remember going to Torquay with Kathleen before we got married on the overnight coach. Set off at 10.00pm and arrived at Torquay at anout 7.00am. We then got a taxi to our hotel and left our luggage there before walking into Torquay for some breakfast.

Picture of myself at the hotel in Torquay when we arrived.

I also used Yelloway to go to Cambridge when my friend Neil was at university there. A bit of a drag on the coach as it went from Bolton to Clacton stopping at Derby, Northhampton and lots of other places along the way.

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