Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bolton and District Amateur Radio Society


From that picture of the "best Club stand" at the Bellevue Rally, from L to
R: Eric G4FSN, Roy G4GHE, Chris G4HYG, Chris G4AGJ and Alban G8NVW.. In the background you can see a photo of myself.

Last Monday I went onto topband to try to work Ross G6GVI using the old G8WY callsign. Also on the band was Bill G3XUM who still operates from his shed in Farnworth. It is a long time since I worked stations on 160m and my antenna is not really suited for this band. I could talk with Bill, but it was difficult and Ross couldn't hear me at all.
I have decided that it may be a good idea to put up a longwire again, it is the Radio Club Contest on the following Saturday, so it is a good time to try one.

After talking with Bill G3XUM, I then moved to 2m and had a long chat with Ross using G8WY. I was able to talk about the old Bolton and District Amateur Radio Society. Very nostagalic!
I have looked through my old photos to find some from the 70's and 80's some of which I have sent to Ross to put on the Bolton Wireless Club website.

Bolton and District Amateur Radio Society and Bury Radio Club joint venture on Rooley Moor for VHF NFD around 1971.

Chris G4AGJ operating G8WY during one of the contests with my Yaesu FT101E.

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