Friday, June 01, 2012

Swedish Welcome!

On the day that the Olympic Torch left Bolton for its journey around the country our Swedish visitors arrived just too late to see the Olympic flame. It was 11.30am when I collected Birgitta, Linnea, Elsa and Malva from the train station in Bolton and took them to the Holiday Inn where they will stay.

When we arrived I noticed some vehicles with the Olympic colours and logos in the car park and people with the Olympic tracksuits. The hotel was being used for the team to stay overnight. We sat talking and welcoming our Swedish family when two people sitting next to us pulled out an Olympic torch! Gosh! brilliant! We all had our photos taken holding the torch...

What a wonderful welcome...Thank You!

Birgitta and her family came to visit us after we 'found' each other again on Facebook. I last met Birgitta 39 years ago in 1973 when we met on holiday in Eastbourne. We wrote to each other afterwards for many years. 

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