Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Last weekend was the 2m / 70cm contest. It started at 2.00pm for 24 hours.
It seemed like a good day, so I went out onto Winter Hill with my Yaesu FT-817. I took with me the Skyscan mag mount and an HB9CV for 2m. Although I didn't take part in the contest, is was fun listening to some of the stations. I was amazed at what I could hear on the little HB9CV antenna. I only worked a handful of stations, the best being M0BAO/P on the South Coast in IO80LX on 2m.
When I got home I decided to put together the 4 element yagi that I acquired so that I can use it next time and also modify the HB9CV to use on 70cm. This will give me some antennas to use during the Summer contests.
It was a shame to put the hacksaw to the HB9CV, I will try the 70cm version out during the next contest.

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