Saturday, March 17, 2012

Auriol Weather Station

For a long time I wanted a wireless weather station with outside wind and rain sensors. I have a 'simple' weather monitor from Maplin in my room that I was given as Christmas present. I looked at the price of the complete weather stations, but they are quite expensive, then I was told about the Auriol weather stations sold at Lidl before Christmas. Too late now! Would have to wait ages until Lidl get around to put some more into the stores.
After a search on the internet I came across one for sale brand new for £20, so I bought it! What a wonderful bit of kit this is! Has wind, pressure, rainfall, dew point, outside temperature and lots of other measurements. Using this I was able to predict the 144Mhz tropo opening a few nights ago! The Auriol weather station display is very clear and has a lovely black facia, different from all the boring grey facias on the expensive weather stations. The wireless signal transmits at around 434Mhz with a distance of about 50m. It works fine in my garden.

Gosh! How things have changed. Back in 1980 I had a huge wind speed and direction monitor made of solid brass on my shed roof. It came from my Uncle Bill, who worked at the Winter Hill Transmitting Station. High up on the mast was the weather monitoring equipment. The stuff I had was taken down from the mast after being hit by lightning. It still worked fine, but the analogue electronics that came with it was incredible!
I also made a wind speed monitor myself using some brass rods, plastic cups and an electric motor. It worked, but of course the wind speed on the meter was erratic and totally inaccurate.
Eventually, I gave away the equipment to a Secondary School so that they could develop it further.


  1. Anonymous2:52 pm

    I had one of these for Christmas but the rain sensor packed up after a month, batteries are still ok. The rest of the features work and is great value for money. I am going to contact the helpline as the set up has 2 years warranty.

  2. G3XXQ5:42 pm

    I was given one of these minus the rain gauge. I searched the net but could not find a source of sensors, the Lidl site did not recognise the IAN number.
    Any ideas please, Len, G3XXQ.

  3. Can anyone tell me how to get a rain sensor. I got one of these given by a friend complete apart from the rain guage
    Thanks, Len. (G3XXQ)

  4. Can anyone tell me how to get a rain sensor? I have searched the net.
    Len, G3XXQ

  5. Anonymous5:01 pm

    My wife ha sjust bought ine - will be setting it up at our rural caravan very soon. Looks pretty good...I have a less comprehensive one that has worked fine for four years. Might appear odd to some ~ measuring wind / rain etc. but it's just another little summat different to do when out in the 'wilds'
