Here is an old picture that I found showing parts of my shack back in about 1974.
In the foreground is my 160m / 80m Transciever that provided 10w SSB, my first attempt at this mode. A lovely Eddystone 898 dial! Next to this is the 144Mhz Transmitter, 10w to QQVo310 valve, a great rig that served me for a long time. Then of course is the Halicrafters SX24 Receiver and morse key.
Above these are the 70 mhz and 144Mhz converters, perfected after many attempts!
On the top shelf is the 160m Transmitter and ATU. Below the benches you can see the Power Supply Units. (health and safety was not problem in those days!!)
Note the switching and wiring ... three switches on the right of drawers controlled all the transmitter send / receive functions ... clever eh?
Must mention the matching colour scheme ... mid blue front panels. I spent so long painting and lettering the front panels to make them look cool!
This picture doesn't give it true justice, butI was proud of my set up!
Looking back at this picture I remember the satisfaction I got from building this equipment from scratch. The time spent drilling and filing, the hours spent wiring and soldering components. Visits to rallies, Michaels and Modern Radio, sending for stuff from RadCom.
I often wonder if I could build something like this now ... feelling pretty de-skilled!!
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