Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Wilton Arms

Looks a bit different now, but here we are looking at the very room where so much happened on a Friday and Saturday night!
As it was 'The Wilton' was the place to be back in the 70's. The back room (as it was called) was simply a room with a Juke Box and no lights! The atmosphere was brilliant, probably the best juke box in the world...even had 'Riders on the Storm' by The Doors! The bar had a great choice Stella, Tetleys, Guiness, Carlsberg...and the barmaids...well...probably not the nicest in the world, but could always get served. Don't forget i'm talking about the 70's here!
Some of the lads from college came here, so one day we went there for lunch, piled into a van and away we went. For the first time we saw the 'back room' as it was in the light...not a pretty sight. Wallpaper falling off, paint flaking, seats ripped ... but who cares ... in the dark its great!!!
So one Friday night Neil (G3ZPL) decided to park outside the 'back room' next to the juke box to test if this analogue jewel could cope with 20watts of AM on 144mhz. I never did know the result!!

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