Wednesday, October 03, 2007

High Pressure!

Todays pressure map.

Historically, Autumn and particularly the first two weeks of October, brings High Pressure and superb openings on the VHF and UHF bands into the Continent and Scandanavia. My logbook shows some great openings on 2m, 70cm and even 23cm!
Checking out my log book, here are some stations worked with less than 10w!
28/9/83 EA1NU on 2m (Spain)
12/10/85 HB9MIN on 70cm (Switzerland)
12/10/85 EA1CYE on 70cm (Spain)
13/10/85 HB9AEN on 70cm (Switzerland)
4/10/86 OK1DIG on 70cm (Belgium)

This one is a classic, this time a later opening in November:
5/11/87 FD1FHI on 23cm with about 50mw of power!
7/11/87 SP6MLK on 70cm (Poland)
Sadly, I have no beams (arials) anymore for 2m and 70cm, I feel that i'm missing something, but when I listen on the bands it is completely DX at all. The magic of working DX on an Autumn evening with the bands open is no more. Sometimes I would stay up most of the night listening and the excitement of working a continental station with home made equipment has to be experienced!
Don't you just love High Pressure!

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