Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Writing on the board!

Today I went into school to begin the big move down to our new school site. My classroom was completely empty with everything ripped off the walls and rubbish on the floor. My Interactive Whiteboard was still up and next to it part of my blackboard which was revealled when the 'Whiteboard' that replaced it was removed. This is what I wrote on the blackboard for the very last time with CHALK before the new whiteboard was fitted.
Look at the dates...we have been waiting since 2001 for the closure of the school and now at last, it is actually happening!
I was only 4 years out!
Here is an example of Chalk and Digital Technology (Interactive Whiteboard) working side by side.
The new school looks fantastic, wiring is fully integrated including digital TV, Microwave Broadband link and a 'Server Room' to house the servers and other digital equipment.
A 21st Century School! WoW!

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