Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today and tommorow is VHF NFD (National Field Day)

This used to be in September, but was moved in the later 70's to July. This was when we spent the weekend on top of a hill shouting "CQ CQ CQ, CQ Contest, CQ Contest!" As I write this I am listening to G3ZTT/P on 2m doing the same thing.

VHF NFD was quite an event. With the Bury Radio Club in the early 70's we would hike up to the top of Rooley Moor near Rochdale and live rough all through the night. I used to man the 4m tent with Neil G3ZPL and boy was it cold up there at 3am in the morning! To warm us up I brought with me my 'Tilly Lamp' which was great for heating the tent. Always got a bit quiet during the night, but the best time to catch those elusive DX stations.
Later, with the Bolton Radio Society we chose sites nearby, Affetsite was the favourite, located about 800ft asl on a car park right opposite the Pack Horse Pub which served lovely beer. Great fun operating most of the night with plenty beer on hand.

VHF NFD was run by the RSGB on bands 50mhz, 70mhz, 144mhz, 432mhz and 1298mhz. One year with the the Bury Club we used a dish antenna for 1298mhz and this worked well as long as you held it still! I remember taking my own home built 23cm converter and yagi up to Matchmoor Lane on Winter Hill one year, but I don't think we worked anyone.

There is still a lot of interest in VHF NFD, i'm listening on 144mhz to MW1LCR/P on top of a hill in Wales and he is doing quite well, but I can't hear most of the stations he is working. My Yaesu FT-817 is only connected to a disconne antenna, my array of yagis have long gone, but it's great listening to the at the moment.

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