Well after years of cable (Cable and Wireless, NTL and now Virgin Media) I decided that enough is enough! The cable companies have never quite got it right, so I decided that satelite is the way forward at the moment at least.
Now we have SKY to deliver our telly programmes and I must admit, quite impressive.
Cable TV and broadband with it's fibre optics should be state of the art technology, but something is going wrong. Seems to be all lip service, I pay (a lot of money) for 10Mb and get 2Mb. My e mail address vanished without trace, I can only speak to people in India. Global communications but I can't have what I pay for.
Customer service very poor particularly technical.My standrcp@ntlworld.com email was turned off (or 'lost') last June and despite several attempts to explain the situation I got absolutely nowhere with tech guys in India!! Kept being 'fobbed off' with pathetic excuses and assured that my e mail problem would be solved in the 'next few weeks' and they were aware of the problem. As my e mail address disappeared I was unable to log in to my customer account, in fact the message on screen said that my account had been suspended.I pay £24.99 for a 10Mb broadband and only receive 3Mb even though my area has been upgraded to 10Mb. I was told that I need a new box as mine is an old NTL box, an engineer arrived and fitted a router, which made no difference at all to the download speed.The NTL box also had to be constantly re booted when changing TV channels as it would 'lock up' and become very annoying.I have been with cable for many years, starting with Cable and Wireless, NTL and now Virgin, why can new customers get 'large' broadband at half the price that I pay? When I rang about this I spoke to a guy in India and was told that "new customers don't receive the same service that I get!!" What rubbish! I still have to pay £24.99 for broadband and can't downgrade to something more reasonable.I think that as a loyal customer for many years I deserve a refund for the poor broadband service and lack of e mail and on-line customer access.
Some of my suggestions for VM to get better..
Sort out your Customer Service.
Think about your loyal customers instead of just new customers.
Give customers the opportunity to downgrade services if required, particularly in the present atmosphere.
Get the tech team to listen to the customers problem instead of following a script ("please re boot your router" I was told when all I wanted to do was order a new box!)
Virgin Media are very apologetic but still don't deliver!
Roll out SKY...lets see what they can do!