This album is a timeless classic!
I bought this 'vinyl' album back in 1972 and took it every party at the time which went down a treat as the record was wrapped in a pair of white knickers! I was playing the digital CD version of it tonight and sang along with all the words, how could I forget them. (The CD don't come with knickers!)
Some of the lyrics are just brilliant:
"All I need is a holocaust to make my day complete"
"He wanted an Einstein, but he got a Frankenstein"
"Whisky on your lips and earthworms through your brain"
The West Side Story send ups are great..."Street Fight" takes an angle of alley cats and the last track "Grande Finale" is an instrumental that brings everything together in the album.
"A sly incitement to delinquency. A rollicking send-up of America's most sacred cows. A blistering rock and roll workout. Alice Cooper's 1972 LP School's Out' is one of the cleverest and most engaging concept albums ever recorded"
and guess what...
When I met Kath (my wife) she had also bought this album along with all the other Alice Cooper Albums at the time!